Senior & Retiree Opportunities

Opportunities to work from home for seniors

Here’s what retirees need to know about at-home working opportunities

We know the experience of transitioning to retirement can be life-changing, both in exciting and nerve-wracking ways. But taking that step doesn’t need to include inactivity or boredom, especially if you’re someone who enjoys working, staying busy, and earning money.

There are so many benefits to retiring and becoming a member of this special club! There’s the freedom and flexibility, with the ability to come and go as you please; the opportunity to spend more time with family and maybe the grandkids (or granddogs!); sleep in or hang out — whatever you want to do with your time, with zero work obligations. You even have time for something you may have always wanted to do, like start your own business.

Even so, after retirement, you might miss the busyness of your old life. You might still crave connection. After building a lifetime of knowledge and expertise, the urge to do meaningful work from home may outweigh the urge to sleep in. You may want to pad the retirement nest egg. Whatever your reason, there is a solution you may want to consider.

Our work from home platform is an online portal that connects you to remote customer service opportunities with big-name brands. The Platform technology allows you to securely work from home when and how you want, while you’re earning money you can put toward retirement, hobbies, or travel.

Imagine a work-from-home opportunity that fits into your new way of life and aligns with your new goals.

If you’re considering a return to work (even a partial return) after retirement, our work from home platform can be a vital part of your plan to live your best life. Engagement, opportunity, and earnings — an excellent combination at any stage in life!

Once you decide to make it official and sign up, you’ll be better positioned to live out your dreams!

You won’t believe these numbers…

For some, working through retirement is a dream. For others, it’s a necessity. Unfortunately, when some adults hit the average retirement planning age, they were unable to start saving for their golden years, which is why many must continue working through this new stage of life.

In fact, an average of 22% of U.S. adults have less than $5,000 saved for retirement, while another 15% have no savings at all, according to a recent research study from Northwestern Mutual. To make matters more complicated, an average of 45% of survey respondents believe there’s a good chance they’ll outlive the savings they do have — meaning they will have no choice but to work.

That’s why it comes at no surprise that more people anticipate working past the age of 70, according to research by the American Advisors Group (AAG). The survey also discovered that a significant percentage of U.S. older adults are no longer seeking a work-free retirement experience. Nearly half (46%) said they plan on working part-time or picking up a side job during their retirement.

These numbers are a sobering wake-up call to many. If you’re not sure how to optimize your financial situation, a financial planner might help guide you through this significant life transition. If you want your retirement to be smooth sailing but aren’t sure where to start, the right financial planner will advise you on the most effective way to maximize your income, which may include a conversation about working during retirement.

If you’re great with numbers, have always been frugal, and think that you can handle your retirement savings on your own, you may not need a financial planner. But if you feel clueless about getting your finances in order, then a financial planner can remedy those issues and help you take advantage of work opportunities that will fit into your lifestyle.

No time left to save as much as you need?

Your financial wellbeing is important, and you don’t want to make the mistake of living outside of your means — especially during retirement. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! Make the most of this season of life by spending quality time with family and friends, while also indulging in activities you enjoy.

If you’re among the retirees who have not saved enough, consider a flexible work-from-home opportunity. For example, our work from platform is a virtual platform service that allows users to provide customer support from home.

All you need is an internet connection, a computer, and a willingness to offer exceptional service for the platform’s many client opportunities.

Ready to dive back into work?

If you’re ready to dive back into work, make sure the opportunity supports what’s most important to you. Whether it’s supplementing income, flexibility to enjoy family, travel, and hobbies, or just staying connected with the world — whatever it is, don’t settle for less should you decide to start working again!

The right work opportunity will offer flexibility — no rigid schedule that takes you away from your family and friends, health and wellness, and personal passions. You want the freedom to create a routine around your retirement schedule, giving you the power to pick and choose what each day looks like.

The right gig will be remote — no more long commutes, no sitting in traffic, no waking up and jetting to work extra early. Work from the comfort of your own home without the extra hassle. (That’s one of the biggest benefits of the platform!) And most importantly, the right work opportunity will give retirees the chance to monetize your skills at home — leverage what you’re good at and build a business around it. With your life experience, you’re likely an expert problem solver, communicator, and listener. Use all of those working skills to your benefit from the comfort and safety of home!

Winning seniors: Customer service workers from anywhere

If you’re one of the thousands of seniors who need to find flexible work in order to live comfortably at home during retirement, take comfort in knowing there are work at home opportunities perfect for your new stage of life — and one of the absolute best is the Arise® Platform.

Though there are many work-at-home gigs that provide flexibility and earning potential benefits, there’s nothing comparable to investing in yourself and launching a customer support business at home on the platform.

No need to drive or shop for strangers in your community. This work at home experience will allow you to tap into your entrepreneurial spirit, pursue success, and take advantage of the many benefits — all from the comfort of your home.

Offer virtual support and start to enjoy freedom like never before